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The Diablo 3 Save Editor is an app that lets you edit characters and saves from the PC version of the game using a laptop or desktop computer instead of using a PS3, PS4, or Xbox One to log into your Blizzard account and edit your save files like with the standard version of the application - it is compatible with MacOS/Windows/Linux operating systems and can be installed via apk file... Diablo 3 Save Editor changes the way players access their personal files which are stored on the server, rather than using the game consoles, with you using it to edit your characters and saves in place of logging into your Battle.Net account through a browser or with PC/Mac/Linux Operating Systems, instead of using it on Playstation 3, PlayStation 4 or Xbox One consoles. The Diablo 3 Save Editor application was first released by 0x90 and Diablofans on October 5th, 2015 and can be used to edit your characters and saves in place of logging into your Battle.Net account through a browser, with you having to download it via apk file/exe file/Google Play Store application or the Apple App Store.. Features include character renaming, adjusting attributes/skills/levels, deleting skills/items/auras or entire characters from the server data, with any changes being saved directly to the Diablo III game servers via with no need for an internet connection... It is compatible with MacOS/Windows/Linux operating systems and can be installed via apk file/exe file/Google Play Store application or the Apple App Store. The Save Editor was subsequently updated to version on November 4th, 2015 which added a trial period for all users - by using trial period any save files were made "Lost" and unable to be used again, with the trial period being a three-day period with a 14-day lapse... Diablo 3 Save Editor now offers a full paid version of the app that entitles unlimited uses of the Save Editor app with out the trial option.. Features include the ability to edit characters and saves from the PC version of the game using a laptop or desktop computer instead of using a PS3, PS4, or Xbox One to log into your Blizzard account and edit your save files like with the standard version of the application - it is compatible with MacOS/Windows/Linux operating systems and can be installed via apk file... Diablo 3 Save Editor changes the way players access their personal files which are stored on the server, rather than using the game consoles, with you using it to edit your characters and saves in place of logging into your Battle. cfa1e77820